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Calculate the improvements that PLATSON can give for small portfolios of trades

  1. Choose a trade / portfolio (eg 1y1y 50bp OTM Risk Reversal)

  2. Choose a date on which to run this (eg 29-May-18). Dates with larger moves have been chosen to highlight the discrepancies.

Results (split into pre and post hedging (hedge ratios: delta 100%, Gamma 75%, vega 95%)

  1. PL Improvements for this example show PLATSON can eliminate 95% of the Non-linear errors

  2. Accurate risks (both bucketed and in aggregate) are returned real-time - which can be essential to stay ahead of competitors when hedging in volatile / illiquid periods
    In the example, 
    7k of 1y1y forward risk  plus 13k of 1y1y vega - small risks but when the forward is moving 18bps and vol moves 6 Normals can make a significant difference to hedging strategy.

  3. Previously this accuracy was unobtainable and large days were just chalked up as such

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